Sunday, August 1, 2010

Keys to a positive marathon training season

Again, congratulations of becoming a member or staying a member of Fort Bend Fit, the jewel in the USA Fit system. It is a highly acclaimed training program. Follow it and you will finish your race.

Here are some keys to having a good, motivating, successful training season.

1--Be open, coachable, and teachable. Training may challenge some of your ideas about training, running, nutrition.

2--Run for a Reason

Find a cause/person for whom you may wish to dedicate your training and finishing your race. This will provide motivation to train during the week and to show up on Saturdays for long training runs.

3--Make another commitment. One that world-class athletes make. Commit yourself to becoming comfortable being uncomfortable. Last year we ran in high heat and humidity, rain, snow, wind, and otherwise torturous conditions. The Sugar Land USA Fit Marathon was run in 25 degree conditions. Start today and repeat this mantra, affirmation to yourself:

I commit to being comfortable being uncomfortable. Say this at least 10 times per day and you will feel the difference when you don't avoid the puddle and end up soaking your running shoes in 3 inch deep water!!!

4--Don't beat yourself up if you miss a Saturday run or a weekday run. Nobody likes a bully. It only erodes your self-esteem.

5--Only make self-to-self comparisons. Self-to-other comparisons are dangerous and may lead you to make a false assessment of your fitness level. Your are you only competitor. A positive attitude will result from making these self-to-self comparisons.

6--Begin to develop the Mindset of a Marthoner. The first step is to ask yourself: If I knew I would finish a marathon in January, what actions would I take today, next week, next month?
The answer would probably to follow the FBF Training schedule.

Lastly, remember the story of the professor telling his students to look to the left, look to the right and that only one of the three would end up becoming a lawyer. Well if you are in Fort Bend Fit you can look to your left, look to your right and say "See you at the finish line!!" You all will become marathon/half-marathon finishers!!!

Have a great season!!!

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